August 02, 2002

Hi!! Ok so it's Friday !! WOOHOOO ..I am in a wonderful mood and I have no clue why??? I have been working as usual, one of my great friends Mayra just bought her house like a month ago and she is all excited.. it realy is a cute house and I am very happy for her. Let's see this week rally has been uneventful .. and this weekend I plan on going to get the hair done and my nails... now lets be real .. everythig can be going really bad but you go do a mini makeover and everything is all well. I know it works for me.
Also I got the results of my physical this week.. everyone I am gonan live.. *smile* well at least forthe next few years right?? all test were positive and for my family memebers out there in sunny California who are soooo health concious (sp?) all levels in my body are excellent. Mother on the other hand is being stubborn and not playing nice .. she is not watching her food but then this mornig she was all mad cuz I went food shoping and didnt get her any of her sugar free stuff... *shaking head* I dont know what to do with her.

School is gonna start in a month so I started buying school stuff for my brothers... yes I do buy their stuff... and the sooner I start the better for them cuz I knwo they like to get lots ofnew clothes and that expense all at one shot can really hurt my budget.

Oh well so that's it for now... I shall talk to you later all!!!

July 29, 2002

You have to try this ... Which Peanuts character are you?

hello all... today its so nasty outside. Humidity is not my friend .... well this weekend was kinda busy but not to eventful. Friday I was supopse to go to this cruise around Manhattan but decided against it when I found out when my ex Jose was gonna be on it. 3 hours on a boat with him is not my idea of fun .. dont get me wrong he is fun but the boy is getting married tomorrow. *sigh* I really dont know what to think of it .. I know it doesnt bother me but what does bother me is the fact of him coming back around to look for me. We are way to grown for these games.. I just hope he can realize that marriage is not something to take to lightly and that he needs to change his ways. Either way not my concern .. I am not his keeper. Saturday pretty much just stay in and cleaned my house really really good .. something I havent done in like ages.. and Sunday I went to see my Nani... I love my Nani... she raised me until I was like 5yrs old (due to circumstances) and she is my godmother. I havent seen her in like ages so it was a nice visit cuz I got to talk with her and got her recipe and she gave me this beautiful soup bowl that is an antique and I love antiques so I am gonna treasure that.

I guess my mood today is kinda very blah... I need to snap out of it .... I wish I can speak to certain friends and they arent always as accessible but well.. I suppose thats life right?? *sigh* while talking to my Nani yesterday she mentioned marriage and to be honest I dont even know what I want to do. I know that everyone expects met o get married but to be honest I dont know if that is what I want with everything I have going on with me I am not sure which way to think. I suppose one day it would be nice to have that nice big wedding but its so much money for just one evening to show off to everyone that there is some guy out there who really wanted to marry me .. whatever!!!
I think I just want to elope and come back and continue with my life like nothing. To me marriage really is when you are comfortable with that one person adn dont mind that he is annoying , arrogant or a pain in the ass and things just go smoothly and you understand each other and know how to share all the responsiblities

OK OK.. enough .. I refuse to go down this line of thinking cuz I just may become totally depressed.
Well hope everyone's week has started better than mine... talkto ya soon... *muah*