Hi Everyone ... yes I know it's been what 2 weeks... oh well I am trying to get better but the truth is I am soooooo over worked and soooo tired that I just dont have the energy to do anything afterwards.. so let's see if I can bring you up to date... since Valentine's I have spoke with a few friends whom I hadnt seen in a while... Even though I had to work late Valentine's I was not alone.. now let;s understand I was working and I did get flowers but the person whom I wanted to be with unfortunateldy also had to work so the fact of us having a typical romantic mushy day was not gonna happen.. will it happen one day possibly ... BUT I did get the best gift from this person that I could have asked for.. because he isnt always open with is feelings and he doesnt always speak his mind even though I am expected to always, the idea that he opened up to me was the best gift I recieved. What else.. oh yes Valentine's day was also the day my sweetie Eric graduated from the Marines and I am always very proud of him .. and I had hoped to see him during his 10 day leave he had other plans and therefore although I was highly disappointed as always WE move on. I did speak with him last night cuz he decided to page me finally and since he will more than likely read this one day YES I WAS ANNOYED... but we discussed that and thats all cleared up NOW. Still lots of love your way ALWAYS and dont forget that.. I may not agree with eveyrthing but as we all know friends are there through eveything good and bad. What else oh yes the baby brother's bday .. was as always a big deal since he IS the baby of the fmily so that was ok we had a nice dinner and lots of his friends over. Dave unfortunately I was not able to meet up for that drink since we had tha big snow storm.. oh yeanh did I forget to mention that we had like 2 ft of snow.. but anyway Dave I still owe you that dirnk so no worries.... I hate breaking plans. Marty is still MIA *smile* , let's see oh yeah Mayra ( yes people a girl ) who is one of my 3 closest female friends turned 30 and with that is having a tremendous fit about the whole ordeal... we (beign all her friends) went to a morracan restuarant with live entertainment and all that and we had a nice time and then went to MetroNome where my other friend Myra's bf promotes some party's so it was cool. Annette who is my other friend is off god knows doing what,, she is going through a hard time these days but I just try to be there for her when she calls. umm let's see this past weekend I worked .. Friday , no satursday just slept and Sunday worked a normal 8hrs but it was all worth it for the tranquil Monday we had.. we had very minimal issues on that day which is wonderful. so that brings us to today.. finished up some minor issue at work and rent is due from the tenants and of course they have till tomorrow but I really wish they would just give it to me on the first.. I really need to get my act together for the house stuff but whatever.. I have no enery.. so i need to decide whereto go for a few days, San Antonio, which i never been too, PR where my frined Sara is or Newport Beach , CA where the family is .. *sigh* .. decisions... decisions... *smile*. OK all so I am gonna get out of here and go home to try to get a decent dinner. Love you all tons and hope this updated you.. ..xxoxo
P a s s i o n' s E m b r a c e
name:Passion's Embrace
nickname: depends on what you are in the mood for??
location: NJ/NY