Well its been a looonnnnggggg time since I have updated this site and I will try this once again. Tonight I find myself with the need to express myself... otherwise I will explode cuz you see I cant stop crying and I cant get rid of this feeling of being so alone... I am far from the lonliest person.. I have tons of friends and family that I know cares but truth be told it means nothing without the concern of that certain person. Maybe I am wrong in feeling that they should care .. when I know they are not the expressive type..maybe I need to work on that but I am who I am .. sensitive, caring and loyal. I dont cry because you dont feel what I do but I cry because I care so much that you dont. I miss our talks , I miss you opening up to me .. somewhere along the line I let that go and stopped nuturing it. Despite what people think, especially you, things just dont go with the flow.. they are reactions to every single lil action we do. I know I shouldn't let it get to me what you said and I know what I said might have been harsh but you always think its becuase I want more than what we are .. why cant you see past that. I have choosen to not develope feelings for anyone because I cant handle the heart ache & fears, yet I sit here feeling nasuea, puffy eyes and cold. I tried soo hard not to feel these emotions for you yet there they are... the slightest release and warmth comes over me. So as I sit here thinking about you , you sleep and rest to start your next day oblivious to my feelings and this I can accept because what I need right now is a friend.. I need you.