OK.. so here is the scoop I am going to Florida... i am fed uop with my house I am fed up with work and I am fed up that everything in this place needs money... I am going to see my college roomate and see some other friends that I havent seen in ages... inlcluding the one person down there that seems to think they cannot respond to emails to me.. so take note my friend cuZ I know you read this every so often... I am in Florida.... I will try to contact you but since I havent been able to reach you ...hopefully yuou are OK l...ast time you didnt sound well.. you were blah lets say. Anyway... peoples I am off to work in the sun .. talk to you in a week.
P a s s i o n' s E m b r a c e
name:Passion's Embrace
nickname: depends on what you are in the mood for??
location: NJ/NY
October 25, 2002
October 20, 2002
There is a place .. somewhere in the sky .. where they stars and the night meet.
There is a place.. where 2 hearts meet.
That is the place I want to be with you.
Hi Everyone!!!! So yes its true I am back... I have been awya fro a very long time I know but truth be told I have been way to crazy with work to get online and update . I know someo f you come here often to see how I am and well I apologize for not keeping you up to date but I have also tried to reach a few of you and cant reach you. Oh well.. there is only so much we can do. So let's see if I can break it down for all of you where I have been.
last time I checked I was on my way to Atlanta, GA. Work of course ... I had to do some upgrades.. ( oh what fun..) spent a few days there and then rushed back to see my newphew in his football game against Hofstra which they happened to have won.. YEAH Grizzlies!!!! I will post the cute pic soon enough. Umm.. let see .. after that we worked Labor Day weekend and every weekend there after until 2 weeks ago. GRRR i hate working weekends. Moved into the new headquaters for the company and of course EVERYONE has a complaint.. I dont like the furniture.. I dont feel the engery right in this office... I dont like where my computer is.. blah blah blah... umm what else .. Oh yeah went to Chicago as well... more upgrades dont get it tconfused .. even though we workled we did ge to check out the city a bit.. although I mised out on the Field Museum chocolate display.. *sigh* a whole dedication to chocolate... ummm.. OK back to what I was saying... came home continued to work onthe move sicne the bulk of the move was done after this trip it was a pain cuz I did alot of packing and moveing of stuff and my supervisor was out so I had to do most of everything AND pack his office... whatever.. I got a pair of nice boots out of it last week *smile* *wink* hey I have to be taken care of some how since duirng this whoel time they hadblocked out vacation.. anyway the biggestest news is this .... I AM A GREAT AUNT!!! YEAH!!! I know you are like what !!!! but yes my nieve Bee ( Barbie) had a bay girl last night at 1am California time named Makanalanai Faith... hehe I know her name is super long but its soooo cute... she is half hawaiian so she is beatiful.. well ofcourse beign from my family she is gorgeous already so what I can I tell you. Anyway I need to figure out how to visit out there... unfortunateldy I am gong to Florida next Friday .. well fortunatedly for me sinmce its both work and play.. *wink* .. ok it will most probably be more play but still.. need to see the niece soon.. so maybe Thanksgiving... ayyy who knows soon though soon.. I promised her... so I have to ...
Well I think thats should bring you guys up to date for now ... I am gonna go to bed since its like 2:30am NY time... me tired and sleepy.. Ciao.. xoxoxoxoxox